Active Volcano Tour & the Blue Lagoon

Imagine a geothermal experience with black lava fields, an active volcano, bubbling warm waters, and swimming in the Blue Lagoon. The active volcano and the Blue Lagoon tour take you on a ride to the active Geldingadalir valley volcano and the depths of relishing artificial phenomenons. The visit also takes you through mossy lava fields, breath taking coastal features, and other natural splendors.

On the tour you will be going from Reykjavik to Reykjanes Peninsula. The peninsula is known for true volcanic wonders. You can find everything from mossy lava fields, geothermal areas and geysers, fishing villages, open rift zones, coastal cliffs and endless of volcanic craters. Since March 2021 you can also witness the active volcano erupting. 

Reykjanes lies on one of the world’s major plate boundaries, in between the tectonic plates of Eurasia and North America. The plates are drifting apart from one another resulting in open fissures and volcanic activity.

The tour takes you through a hike across the Fagradalsfjall volcano lava fields and the warm waters of the Blue lagoon which offers a unique geothermal experience.


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